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Let Me Reintroduce Myself

Hello everyone!

I debated a long time if I wanted to come back to blogging. For starters, I don’t know anyone who blogs anymore. It was also a lot of work from what I remember. I just couldn’t think of things to write about all the time. It seemed like having a consistent schedule is best. Then I figured, why not? If it goes into the void of the internet, then there is goes. Sure, I consistently post updates of projects on my Instagram, but there’s just something about long form writing that is really appealing to me. So, here I am. We are going to call this an experiment (after all, I am a scientist).

I’m Elaine, 31, lover of yarn, books, guinea pigs, burritos, and Lego.

Last time, in 2016, I was kind of in a rut. I was in job that was okay, but the hours were terrible. It made me feel incredibly isolated, because I could never see my friends, who all worked normal 9-5 jobs. My relationship with my partner was also wavering. And really the lesson of the story is: talk to people. I’m definitely an introvert, but I’m an introvert that needs social interactions and strong relationships. So, in these three years, I got a new job, which I love. Moved to a new place. Started dating again a bunch. (Tinder is like a really unexpected, fun party.) Met a nice new guy. My beloved guinea pig passed. Got a new guinea pig. Life keeps happening, and I’m moving though it as best I can.

Although, you know what hasn’t changed? My yarn collection. Here it is, in all it’s glory:


Yes, that shelf is much larger than the last shelf. The yarn collection might have grown a bit.

What Great Yarn Purge of 2016?

Recently, I organized it into a spreadsheet. There are columns for brand, weight, fiber, yards, and color. I have a total of 112 yarns. 112. 112. 112! Does that shelf even look like it can hold that much yarn?! Well, on the plus side, the spreadsheet is much more helpful in determining what projects I can do. This might help to “purge” my yarn quicker. (We can take bets if the amount will actually decrease if you’d like.) I told myself I wouldn’t buy anymore yarn until I get down to 60-70 yarns on the spreadsheet. Sixty to seventy still seems like a lot, sure, but there are a lot of single skeins on there. Not sure what I can do with them, but it’ll be a fun puzzle.

The yarn on the floor is not on the spreadsheet. The yarn on the floor is leftover. They’re all from previous projects and now here they sit- partially used, not enough to make a hat with, but too much to just throw away.

Luckily, about two years ago, I discovered weaving at a local yarn crawl. I purchased a rigid heddle loom, and it has been great for using up scrap yarn. Yarn is just so versatile, isn’t it? I’m always open to suggestions on what to do with scrap yarn!

I’ve also taken up knitting, but I’m still a novice and prefer crochet.

For this blog, while I do live for the yarns, I don’t have much of a plan. I just missed long form writing. So, for now, let’s just say, it’s me navigating through life with a yarn addiction. (Unless I just drop it immediately after this post….)

Many happy yarns!

Projects · Site Stuff

Great Yarn Purge of 2016

Back in January, I read this book, Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up by Marie Kando. It’s life changing.

Afterwards, I began the 3 week process of tidying up my apartment. I donated a ton of clothes and things, and tossed a lot of what couldn’t be donated. All these things that we think hold some sort of “sentimental” value… years later you realize they hold no meaning. Who gave this to me again? Where did this come from? Why did I buy this? It was nice to go through all these things and actually keep the things that mattered. If they still hold value now, then it was worth keeping.

During this process, I also got rid of some yarn. Mostly colors that I had no idea why I had or those single leftover skeins from large projects. I was left with this:

This is a bookshelf and a large plastic tote. Oh wait, there’s more! To the right of the bookshelf, you’ll see a bag, which is filled with yarn, and if you look closely, it’s on top of another bag of yarn (also filled with yarn), and finally, they’re both on top of a box (that’s right, also filled with yarn).

With some encouragement (Boyfriend: “There’s too much yarn around here.”) I have decided to go on a yarn cleanse.

Since I’m not doing any craft shows this year, from now until November 1 (start of Christmas gift time), I’ll be trying to use up as much as possible making hats, scarfs, and gloves. These are all quick projects usually. Then I’ll just DONATE ALL OF THEM. If you know any good places to donate in the US (I’ll definitely pay to have things shipped), please let me know in the comments below.

I probably won’t post all the project here, but my Instagram will have things (#greatyarnpurge2016). I might do a recap post though.

Until next time, happy crocheting!

Misc. · Site Stuff

Fall Out of Summer Festival Recap!

This Sunday was the Fall Out of Summer Festival! There was some nice tables there with a lot of different types of art. The live music was nice. And FOOD. ❤ The day started well, and the clouds just kept coming until it was down pouring at one point, and the show ended earlier. Soo…

It was not as successful as I had hoped, but it was fun. I really like having a table at craft shows. I may not be as awesome as some other people, but it’s usually fun to say hi, and show people, “Hey, this is what you can do with yarn! Isn’t it the coolest?” I made more sales than the last time, which means more people have yarn in their possession now! 🙂 Soon, yarn will take over the world- haha.

Since the last time, I’ve learned a few things, and I’ve also had a lot more practice with doing tables, so this time is slightly better. I also had a very nice helper- pictured below (Thanks, T!), so that was good.

I got the idea for the banner thing online, and it took 2 hours of solid cutting and gluing paper together. Learned something that night: paper crafts can be hard!

Other than that, I think my display was pretty decent. Not pro, but good enough that I’m very happy with it.

I’ll have another show in less than two weeks on Oct 4th, and then a couple in November for the holidays. At the rate this is going, I have a lot of stock, so I don’t really need to worry as much. 😛

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And the winner is….

It’s time to announce the winner of the yarn giveaway! Yay!

The prize was:

IMG0002Really awesome yarn and a scarf too!

Thanks to everyone who entered! Using the Random Number Generator:

And who is person #30? It is Crochetmelovely, and their favorite thing to craft was:

My favorite thing to craft would have to be afghans and making hats or cowls! It’s SO hard to pick just one. ;) Hahaha!

I know how you feel, Crochetmelovely. Everything is awesome to craft.

Thanks again to everyone who entered! Until next time! ❤

Misc. · Site Stuff

This is a Plug for Adventure

Two things:

1. My coolest, smartest old lab buddy, J, has this really neat blog reviewing subscription boxes for clothes and beauty, like Birchbox or Goldentote. She also talks about just clothes and beauty without reviewing boxes, so, totally check it out if you like being girlie! Adventures in Subscription Boxes!

Adventures in Subscription Boxes
(Totally stole that from your site, J.)

Actually, I just got notice that a new subscription box I have order just shipped (the Wantable Intimates box), and if it’s really good, I’ll post some details! 🙂

2. My yarn giveaway is ending tomorrow, so if you want to enter and you haven’t please do! Alpaca yarn is so soft, you NEED it in your life!

Enjoy your weekend, everyone! If I finish some CAL squares I’ll post them this weekend.

Site Stuff

One Year of Blogging GIVEAWAY!

Happy Friday, Readers!

On this date one year ago, I started Hijinks Crochet. Thank you to all my wonderful readers for all the comments and likes. In fact, thank you for just reading, or even just looking at pictures of yarn. 🙂

For a fun way to celebrate, I’ll be hosting a giveaway!

Here is the prize:

giveaway yarn

The winner will receive the lovely Raj Imports green scarf (100% cotton), and two skeins of a baby alpaca mix yarn. The purple is 60% baby alpaca and 40% cotton; the green is 70% baby alpaca and 30% silk.

Prizes will be mailed out with US Post.

The winner will be chosen using a random number generator based on when your comment was made, where the oldest comment will be #1.

To enter:

You may have up to two entries.

1. Leave a comment and answer the question:
What is your favorite thing to craft?

Please make sure if you’re not a WordPress member to enter a valid email in the email line. It does not show up publicly. If you’re already a WordPress member please make sure the email attached to your account is still valid. I’ll be contacting the winner by email.

2. Reblog/Tweet/Share on Facebook this post. Please leave a separate comment saying you did this, otherwise it WILL NOT BE COUNTED.

Entries will be opened from now until August 31, 2013 11:59PM EST.

Good luck everyone! 🙂

Site Stuff

Sunshine Award!

The lovely DaniellaJoe nominated me for a Sunshine Award! She has a nice crochet blog, and you should go check it out. She’s going to have a giveaway soon! Thanks for the nom! 🙂

Anyway, for this award, I’ll need to:
1. Tell 10 things about myself
2. Nominate other bloggers

10 Things

1. My favorite color is purple.
2. I love Law & Order (the original’s the best) and a lot of British TV (like Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Merlin).
3. I’m a chemistry grad student- hopefully, I’ll be a full chemist soon.
4. Even though, I’m 24, I still play Neopets.
5. I really like eating burritos and tacos.
6. My favorite book is The Merro Tree
7. Scarves are my favorite accessories.
8. My current favorite movie is The Other Guys, but my #1 is Pretty Woman.
9. I was once a dishwasher and it was probably my favorite job.
10. My favorite thing to do is curling up with a book and blasting the music on a Sunday afternoon.

I nominate the following people:

1. Coricutecore: she has some super cute knitting/crocheting projects.
2. into mind: for simple wardrobe and decorating ideas
3. Lea & Jay: The yummiest recipes around!
4. Pillows A-la-mode: She is really crafty, not just pillows.
5. Nanacathydotcom: Another crafty lady!
6. Amiguruthi: Amigurumi at its finest.
7. Crayons and milk: Adorable crochet, beautiful projects.

Site Stuff

Where the Magic Happens….

I see all these people with their nice rooms or crafting corners, so I figured, let’s have a look at my life:

If I’m not watching TV, you’ll find me sitting on the floor (on that nice afghan) with piles of partly used skeins of yarn on the floor (as you can see) or in bags (there are three). My patterns are scattered around (all that paper), as well as crafting glue, scissors , and hooks everywhere. You will notice a cardboard box in the top left-hand corner of the picture- that’s where all my “unopened” yarn is located. Next to the box, you might be able to make out two jars, where I’m currently stuffing my yarn ends into, in hopes of creating a sand jar like effect for decoration. Who needs a crafting corner when you got a floor full of stuff? 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

Site Stuff

Rnd 1: Ch 5….

The beginning of another pattern usually starts in such a way. (For those not in the know, Rnd = round and Ch = chain). I’ve decided to start a crochet blog, as you can see because you’re here. 🙂 I started crocheting when I was in middle school, but really didn’t dive in until college. I’m now 24 and find myself crocheting almost everyday!

Really? Another blog about crocheting?

That’s right, but more importantly, you found it and clicked on it.  I debated awhile about it, but then thought it would be alright, because I really love hooking away and wanted to share it with everyone who comes across this.  The biggest problem I had with doing this is that crocheting projects take a really long time. Months and months, why are you doing this?  No worries, this way I can keep track of my projects as well, and see the progress I make.

Things I’m not going to this in this blog:

I’m not going to go over how to do this stitch or that one, because there’s like 100s of sites already that tell you how to do it. Google- your best friend for learning new things. There are also 100s of patterns for free out there.

I’m not going to knit or do other crafty projects. There will only be crochet here.

Things I’m definitely going to do:

1) Share my projects.

2) Share patterns I find and want to try.

3) Give really blunt opinions of how outdated most crocheting books are, and other crocheting book reviews when I get a chance.

Once again, the time lag with how long it actually takes to do a project verses how much time I actually have will be a problem, which is why I’ve determined a schedule for how these posts are going to go.

Motif Monday: Where I share patterns I think are cool. Feel free to share some!
Fan Friday: Where I’ll feature someone’s project from other blogs/Pinterest/something like that.
Show & Tell Sunday: Where I’ll discuss my projects.

Three times a week is pretty good.  I’m sure that somewhere between those days I might post about something (like a yarn or crochet book review). Such reviews, however, can’t be very consistent, as I’m not filled with money to buy lots of types of yarn to try or books.

Let’s get this going!